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p. 18/26
Gastacteurs en actrices: R
Ronald Radd
Bullseye: Henry Cade
The Outside-In Man: Quilpie
Mission...Highly Improbable: Shaffer
 Louise Ramsay
Something Nasty in the Nursery: Nanny Smith
 Elizabeth Reber
The Master Minds: Female Egghead
 Geoffrey Reed
Never, Never Say Die: Carter
 Peter Reynolds
Double Danger: Al Brady
Who's Who???: Tulip
 Aubrey Richards
The Gravediggers: Dr. Palmer
Game: Professor Witney
 Nigel Rideout
Mission...Highly Improbable: Korp. Johnson
 John Ringham
The Secrets Broker: Cliff Howard
A Sense of History: Professor Acheson
 Cardew Robinson
The £50,000 Breakfast: Priester
The Interrogators: Mr. Puffin
Ilona Rodgers
Six Hands Across A Table: Receptioniste
The Bird Who Knew Too Much: Samantha Slade
 Jeanne Roland
Room Without A View: Anna Wadkin
Jon Rollason
Mission to Montreal: Dr. Martin King
Dead On Course: Dr. Martin King
The Sell-Out: Dr. Martin King
 Edina Ronay
The Removal Men: Nicole Cauvin
The Nutshell: Elin
 Barbara Roscoe
The Murder Market: Receptioniste
Philip Ross
The Fear Merchants: Verpleger
 John Ruddock
Mr Teddy Bear: Dr. James Howell
Iris Russell
Mission to Montreal: Sheila Dawson
November Five: Fiona
Stay Tuned: Father
 Anne Rutter
Super Secret Cypher Snatch: Betty
Homicide and Old Lace: Operative
Charlotte Rampling
The Superlative Seven: Hana Wilde
 Henry Rayner
The Sell-Out: Reporter
 Liam Redmond
Small Game for Big Hunters: Prof. Swain
Wish You Were Here: Charles Merrydale
Kynaston Reeves
What the Butler Saw: Maj. Gen. Goddard
Legacy of Death: Dickens
 Terry Richard
Return of the Cybernauts: Cybernaut
 Edwin Richfield
Girl on the Trapeze: Stefan
The Removal Men: Bug Siegal
The White Elephant: Lawrence
Too Many Christmas Trees: Dr. Felix Teasel
Dead Man's Treasure: Alex
All Done with Mirrors: Barlow
Arnold Ridley
Never, Never Say Die: Oude man
 Michael Robbins
Square Root of Evil: Bloom
Dragonsfield: Landlord
Mr Teddy Bear: Henry
Take Me To Your Leader: Cavell
 Douglas Robinson
The Decapod: Bodyguard 1
Death on the Rocks: Sid
Man With Two Shadows: Rudi
Esprit de Corps: Sergeant Marsh
Mitzi Rogers
Toy Trap: Ann
Bullseye: Jean
Alan Rolfe
The Mauritius Penny: Burke
Gordon Rollings
Death a La Carte: Lucien
Cat Amongst the Pigeons: Bridlington
 John Ronane
Murdersville: Hubert
Take Me To Your Leader: Kapitein Tim
 Adrian Ropes
The Danger Makers: Lt. Stanhope
From Venus With Love: Jennings
Whoever Shot Poor George Oblique Stroke XR40?: Baines
 Alec Ross
Brief for Murder: Westcott
Super Secret Cypher Snatch: Eerste wacht
 Michael Rothwell
The £50,000 Breakfast: Kennelman
Geofrey Russell
Game: Dexter
 John Rutland
The Girl from Auntie: Fred Jaques
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