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p. 16/26
Gastacteurs en actrices: P
Tina Packer
Dial a Deadly Number: Suzanne
Judy Parfitt
Bullseye: Miss Ellis
The White Elephant: Brenda Paterson
Escape in Time: Vesta
Whoever Shot Poor George...: Loris
Rhonda Parker
Verschillende Tara King episodes: Rhonda
George Pastell
Honey for the Prince: Arkadi
Michael Peake
Quick-Quick Slow Death: Willy Fehr
Jon Pertwee
From Venus With Love: Brigadier Whitehead
Redmond Phillip
Return of the Cybernauts: Hunt
John Phillips
The Hidden Tiger: Nesbitt
Donald Pickering
The Winged Avenger: Peter Roberts
Homicide and Old Lace: Freddie Cartwright
Victor Platt
A Change of Bait: Archie Duncan
The Gravediggers: Sexton
Steve Plytas
Immortal Clay: De Groot
A Touch of Brimstone: Kartovski
 Peter Porteous
The Charmers: Vinkel
The Eagle's Nest: Nazi Corporal
 John Porter-Davison
Whoever Shot Poor George Oblique Stroke XR40?: Jacobs
Nosher Powell
Mission...Highly Improbable: Henrick
Noel Purcell
A Surfeit of H20: Jonah Barnard
Geoffrey Palmer
Dance with Death: Philip Anthony
Propellant 23: Paul Manning
Man With Two Shadows: Dr. Terence
A Surfeit of H20: Martin Smythe
Cecil Parker
The £50,000 Breakfast: Glover
Ken Parry
Death à la Carte: Arbuthnot
Honey for the Prince: B. Bumble
Roy Patrick
The Winged Avenger: Julian
Jacqueline Pearce
A Sense of History: Marianne
 Arthur Pentlow
Trojan Horse: George Meadows
False Witness: Dr. Grant
Frank Peters
The Frighteners: -
Death of a Great Dane: Miller
Conrad Phillips
Silent Dust: Mellors
 Neil Phillips
The Eagle's Nest: Main
Robin Phillips
A Sense of History: John Pettit
Leslie Pitt
Mission to Montreal: Journalist
Terry Plummer
A Surfeit of H20: Frederick
The Superlative Seven: Toy Sung
Denny Powell
Mission...Highly Improbable: Karl
Reg Pritchard
Honey for the Prince: Postbode
The Hidden Tiger: Bellamy
 Dennis Price
Whoever Shot Poor George Oblique Stroke XR40?: Jason
Keith Pyott
The White Dwarf: Professor Richter
The House That Jack Built: Pennington

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