Technical information on Translation Agency Motte

Founded in 1997
Translation Agency Motte was founded in 1997.
We are at your service since more than 20 years.

Contents (Nederlandse versie - la version française - die Deutsche Version)

Address - Account - VAT * Rates * Software in use * Computers * Fields * Documentation * Contact

Address - Account - VAT * Rates * Software in use * Computers * Fields * Documentation * Contact


* Minimum rate (VAT excluded) * (VAT = 21%)

Urgent orders 50% extra for texts to be delivered within 48 hours of receiving the order
50% extra for translations during the weekend
Corrections: depends on the text


Price includes basic layout.

Bold, underlined and italics are for free.

Address - Account - VAT * Rates * Software in use * Computers * Fields * Documentation * Contact

Address - Account - VAT * Rates * Software in use * Computers * Fields * Documentation * Contact

© 2024 Translation Agency Motte Abdijstraat 33 B-9500 Geraardsbergen Belgium e-mail: