Draga Dongo

On June 14th 2004 Yantra gave birth to one puppy. It's a female. Her weight was 220 gram. At first Yantra wasn't very interested in her and so the puppy needed to be feeded with a bottle. A day or two later mama realised she had a baby and in the mean time no-one can come close to her daughter anymore.

An owner for the puppy is already known. To find a name she looked in a Hungarian dictionary. She found the word 'dongo', which means 'bumble-bee' or 'bluebottle'. Finally her name became Draga Dongo, which means Sweet Bumble-bee.

We visited Draga Dongo but there's wasn't a lot of action. The puppy is still blind, almost doesn't move and on top of that Yantra only allows Brigitte to come close. And it's better that no-one touches the puppy, because Yantra might stop caring for her. That is also the reason why Brigitte prefered that Toby and Terry didn't visit Draga Dongo.

In a couple of weeks we'll go back to Brigitte. The doggy will be about six weeks then. There will be a lot more action then. And Toby and Terry will join us. We'll try to take a picture of Toby and Yantra together with their puppy Draga Dongo...


To be continued...