Draga Dongo

It's july 11th 2004 and in the mean time Draga Dongo is almost four weeks and weights more than 1200 gram. She drinks puppy-milk from a plate. Of course Yantra still nurses her, but within four weeks Draga Dongo will leave her mama and then she stands alone.

Toby and Terry also did a lying-in visit. Yantra didn't like Toby to come too close to her. She snapped him when he did. But we could take a picture though of them together with their puppy.

<--- Toby --- Draga Dongo --- Yantra --->

We also wanted some pictures of Draga Dongo alone. She's a very young puppy and doesn't sit still. Especially not where we want her to sit. That way it wasn't easy to get a good picture of her. Only once she looked straight in the lens and here's that picture...

After the meal and the photo-session it was time for Draga Dongo to take a nap. She sleeps under a red lamp. That's cosy and warm so very soon she was in dogdreamland. ZZZzzz... ZZZzzz...

As said before she leaves Yantra within four weeks. Her new home will be that of Reina in the Netherlands. We hope we can follow her evolution and place a picture on our website from time to time...

See you soon, Draga Dongo.