Toby meets Yantra

On April 11th 2004 Yantra visited us. Brigitte, the breeder of Toby and Terry, is going to breed with her and Toby is the lucky dog! Yantra is owned by Andy and Wendy.

Toby and Yantra never met before, but it seemed to be love at first sight. She was only a quarter of an hour in our home and it was already fixed.

After they did what they had to do there was a lot of time to take some pictures. Yantra was just as Toby and Terry very co-operative and posed proudly next to Toby...

<--- Yantra and Toby --->


<--- Toby and Yantra --->


Brigitte told us Terry might be a little bit of a problem. She is clearly on top of Toby and a bitch in heat might not be her definition of having fun. Removing her from the scene was not an option, Toby would be off his stroke. We decided to wait and see how much she disturbed...

On the picture above you can see Toby (left) and Yantra (right). If you look close enough you can also see Terry behind the white pet door in the right door...

It is clear that Terry didn't bother too much at all. We even took some pictures of the three Pulis together...

<--- Terry --- Toby --- Yantra --->

Toby got another chance in the afternoon, but Yantra didn't feel like it anymore. In fact Toby neither. They stayed close to each other but were clearly satisfied...

<--- Yantra and Toby --->

Pregnancy takes nine weeks for dogs so somewhere in the middle of June the puppies should be born...


To be continued...