The coatcare is something that doesn't need to be done insides. In summertime it's very good outside in the sun. Toby and Terry learned to stay still about everywhere, so that's no problem.




The two pictures above show Toby whose cords are cut so they are about two centimeters above the floor.

To make sure the cords aren't cut too short the dog needs to stand firm up and not with bowed legs. If your dog is not in the right position, the cords will be too short.

We take some cords that touch the ground and cut them in one go. Of course it's possible to cut the cords one after the other, but that way it'll take forever to do the job. This is not pleasant, neither for the dog nor for the owner. And the endresult is the same.



After cutting the cords, the tips of the cords don't look natural anymore. After about a week this won't be visible any longer. If you want it to look natural faster, there's something you can do. Take a brush with metal hooks (look at the picture below). With a brush like that you can brush the end part of the cord. It's a very tough job, but if you want your Puli to look natural real soon , it's a good way to achieve it.





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