1 October 1944

Regiment in defensive position vicinity of Eilendorf, and Aachen, Germany. Active patrolling engaged in by all elements of the regiment.

2 October 1944

Consolidation of defensive positions and active patrolling carried on.

3 October 1944

Enemy attack E, F, and K Companies, preceded by heavy mortar and artillery fire. The enemy penetrated the outer defenses of K Company, but they were driven off and the ground retaken before daylight.

4 October 1944

In addition to blowing up three enemy self-propelled guns, which were immobilized by our mines, all units engaged in active patrolling.

5-6 October 1944

Contact was maintained with enemy by active patrolling of all units.

7 October 1944

3rd Battalion, 18th lnfantry, which had been under control of CT 16 reverted to 18th Infantry control. A demonstration by our mortars and Cannon Company was put on as a diversion for the 18th Infantry attack on "Crucifix Hill".

8-9 October 1944

All units engaged in active patrolling.

10 October 1944

Increased enemy activity on regimental front. Artillery fire placed on points of activity observed. Active patrolling maintained.

11 October 1944

Patrolling continued. All organizations alerted for possible enemy attack, due to observation of enemy activity.

12-13 October 1944

Active patrolling continued.

14 October 1944

Approximately two platoons of enemy infantry infiltrated between Company G, 16th Infantry and Company G, 18th Infantry during the night. The enemy was engaged and cleared out by 0600 hours. At approximately 1130 hours, Companies I and G, 16th Infantry were attacked by one battalion of infantry and a company of tanks. Combined air, artillery, and infantry drove the enemy off without loss of ground. All organizations remained on the alert for further attacks.

15 October 1944

At approximately 2300 hours one enemy tank with infantry overran one squad of G Company, and one Anti-Tank Gun. Four more enemy tanks came up to strengthen the attack and Company G, with two TD's, attempted to knock them out, but were unsuccessful due to poor visibility. At "first light", the enemy tanks had pulled back, but the infantry continued to occupy positions they overran. The enemy then attacked I Company with one battalion of infantry and a company of tanks and succeeded in seizing a pill box in the I Company sector. Mortar, artillery, and infantry drove the enemy back, but initial positions were not restored.

16 October 1944

Company G recaptured positions which were taken from them, and were then reinforced with a platoon from the 1st Battalion. Company I restored the pill box overrun by the enemy and consolidated defensive positions 100 yards further into the woods. Company I was reinforced by a platoon from the 3rd Battalion. Active patrolling was continued and, in addition, mines were laid, and wire strung in front of all positions.

17-21 October 1944

Active patrolling, mine laying, wire stringing, and consolidating of positions were carried on throughout this period.

22 October 1944

During this period Company G, 16th Infantry was relieved by Company B, 26th Infantry. Company I, 16th lnfantry, was relieved by Company A, 26th Infantry. Company E, 16th Infantry, was relieved by Company C, 26th Infantry, and Company H, 16th Infantry, was relieved by Company D, 26th Infantry. The 26th Infantry assumed responsibility of the area at 0900 hours. The 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry, minus Company F, closed in assembly area at Brand, Germany, at 0900 hours, and constituted the regimental reserve.

23 October 1944

Active patrolling carried on by 1st and 3rd Battalions. An enemy patrol worked in close to an outpost of Company C, but was driven off by small arms, hand grenades, and 60mm mortar fire.

24 October 1944

Company F was relieved by Company I, relief being completed at 1930 hours. Continued active patrolling of the regimental sector.

25 October 1944

Patrolling by 1st and 3rd Battalions continued.

26 October 1944

3rd Battalion, minus I Company, relieved by 2nd Battalion, minus Company F. Patrolling by 1st and 2nd Battalions carried on.

27 October 1944

Relief of 3rd Battalion, minus Company I, accomplished at 1920 hours. Company I attached to 2nd battalion.

28 October 1944

Company I reverted to 3rd Battalion control as they were relieved by Company F. Active patrolling continued by 1st and 2nd Battalions.

29-31 October 1944

Enemy activity at low level along regimental front. Active patrolling continued.

Frederick W. Gibb,
Colonel, 16th lnfantry,


Source: N.A.R.A.
Special thanks to Albert Trostorf for providing me the above document.

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