

Ireland (A history of Ireland in 100 objects, a selection (I))


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A history of Ireland in 100 objects, a selection (I)
   Goiste éisc Mélslliteach / Mesolithic Fish Trap, c.5000 BC
   Ceann Tua Deasghnäch / Ceremonial Axehead, 3600 BC
   Babhla Neolliteach / Neolithic Bowl, c.3500 BC
   Taisce Óir Chagäla Beag / Coggalbeg Gold Hoard / 2300-2000 BC
   Ceann Mäis Breochlaiche / Flint Macehead, 3300-2800 BC
   Slothall Adhlactha / Cré Umboolse
Bronze Age / Funerary Urns, 1900-1300 BC
   Torc na Teamhrach / Tara Torcs, c.1200 BC
   Bád Bhrú LIochtair / Broighter Boat, c.100 BC

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