

Faroe Islands (riddles)


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    fýra hanga, fýra ganga, tvey visa vegin, eitt darlar aftast? (four are hanging down, four walking, two showing the way, and one dangling behind?)
    ligguríá, fettir tá, meira enn hundrad holeruá?
(lies in a river, stretches its toe, with more than a hundred holes on it?)
    hoppar og skkoppar, ber mannabein í maga?
(bouncing and making noise, carrying human bones in its stomach?)
    runt summ egg, røkkur um kirkjuvegg?
(round like an egg, reaches around the walls of the church?)
value small/fat

    fýra hanga, fýra ganga, tvey visa vegin, eitt darlar aftast? (four are hanging down, four walking, two showing the way, and one dangling behind?)
    ligguríá, fettir tá, meira enn hundrad holeruá?
(lies in a river, stretches its toe, with more than a hundred holes on it?)
    hoppar og skkoppar, ber mannabein í maga?
(bouncing and making noise, carrying human bones in its stomach?)
    runt summ egg, røkkur um kirkjuvegg?
(round like an egg, reaches around the walls of the church?)
value large/thin

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