How to use the RDSS0375/0389 software?
Spanish text
For the sake of explaining things let's assume your RDS0375 is in
C:\Radio\rdss0375 (could of course be anything else).
The 'scroll lock' key is very important. If you press it you'll see
there will be a change at the top of any screen you're using.
You will notice that Screen xxx L SAMP: OFF changes into Screen xxx >S< SAMP:OFF.
(xxx is the screen number).
You should always use the >S< mode.
L means data is dumped as soon as the signal deteriorates. S means the
data is kept on screen even if the signal levels drop off! Unless
of course another RDS station appears on this frequency. This can be
rather funny to watch during an Es opening.
However if you use L the data is still kept in the logbooks (F8F4 in the
program and in the .log and .txt files in C:\Radio\rdss0375\Rds\Pida -
always interesting to view these logs afer a listening session).
When you open the program you'll see a running 'item' at the bottom
of the screen, no matter whether your decoder is connected to the pc
or not. You can see the workings of the decoder when pressing F4.
(Dis)connect your Conrad and you'll see a difference on your screen.
The opening screen is the menu to choose from.
My favourites are F2 (showing Alternative Frequencies in detail:
you can even see more about AF using F2F3...F2F6), F5 EON codes,
F8F3 (all info in 1 screen), F8F4 (logbook), F8F5 (dynamic PS).
In the RDSS0389 screen F8F4F7 is the ultimate DX screen:
you can see how the program generates PI codes and matches them
with the incoming data. This is the fastest decoding screen.
The PI codes which have a yellow (or white if you use the arrows!) colour
are correct one! This screen is available to registered users only.
How to play samples?
*Download a few from the samples pages*
Just paste/copy a file (sample) to C:\Radio\rdss0375\Rds\Samp (you can also
make new subdirs in this Rds dir to put your samples in).
Open RDSS0375 and choose a screen (e.g. F8F3); press F9 and use
the arrows to find the dir and file.
Use the arrows to select the file (colour changes) and ENTER.
Now press the spacebar and the sample starts running.
At the top of the screen you will notice SAMP: Pauze and SAMP: Play.
Use the Esc key to return to F8F3. You can pause/continue the sample running
or by using the spacebar. Leave or start again the SAMPLE mode
with the same sample by using Alt+p.
How to record the RDS data from the radio on the hard disk or on a disket?
You can only record on the disk the program is installed on.
So you can't record a sample directly to A:\ if the program is
on your hard disk and vice versa. I assume the Conrad is properly
modified AND you can see RDS data on your screen.
It's quite simple now: press Alt+r. You will see a change at the top
of the screen: SAMP:OFF will now be SAMP: Rec !!
Stop recording by again using the Alt+r. It's that easy.
You can give your sample some commentary. See at the bottom of e.g.
F8F3, just under the ****. Fill in the frequency (press f) and some
Infotext (press t). This commentary can only be added BEFORE you
start recording, NOT afterwards!!
The sample automatically receives a name when you start recording
(it starts with the PI code). You can easily change the name via
your Explorer (right click on the file and choose change name).
After all radio1.smp looks a lot better than 63019075.smp!
How to delete all or some of the recorded data?
Easy: open your Explorer, or This Computer and go to the
C:\Radio\RDSS0375\Rds\Samples (or another subdir where you keep your
recordings), select the file(s) and press 'Delete'.
How to use the data of a certain station for a reception report?
You can print (part of the) logfiles (.log or .txt - these are 2
different kinds of logs as you will have noticed) kept in
C:\Radio\RDSS0375\Rds\Pida. This is not very impressive at all.
I usually make a sample of a station I would like to send a reception
report to and then make a screendump (Alt+PrtSc). I then paste
it into my letter (usually in Word). You should however 'lighten' it
up a bit to save on ink.
© Herman Wijnants
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