Install required packages: sudo apt-get install git g++ make grep mawk ntp Make sure you are using the latest kernel by updating your system. The latest kernel includes fixes wich improve NTP ppm measurement accuracy: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade Get code/ compile: rm -rf WsprryPi (pour effacer le répertoire existant) git clone cd WsprryPi make sudo make install (Install to /usr/local/bin:) Uninstall: sudo make uninstall ********************************************************************************* sudo wspr --repeat -x 3 ON4MS JO20 33 14100000 WSPR packet contents: Callsign: ON4MS Locator: JO20 Power: 33 dBm Requested TX frequencies: 14.100000 MHz Extra options: ntp_adjtime() will be used to peridocially calibrate the transmission frequency TX will stop after 3 transmissions. *********************************************************************************