Eugeny Kazartsev



Publications of Dr. E. V. Kazartsev

1997 – 2000
  1. The Influence Verse Rhythm on the Poet’s Prose. In: Russian Philology № 8. Tartu (Dorpat), 1997 Pp. 178–182
  2. Rhythm of Occasional Iambus Tetrameter in Poets’ Prose. In: St. Petersburg State University Bulletin № 1, Series 2: History, Linguistics, and Literary Studies, 1998. Pp. 53–61
  3. Einige Besonderheiten der Rhythmik in den Prosawerken A. Puschkins. In: Arion, Jahrbuch der Deutschen Puschkin-Gesellschaft. Band 4, 1999. Pp. 128–136
  4. Details of the Rhythmic Structure of Russian Iambus Tetrameter in Comparison with German Verse. In: Sciences and Humanities. A Collection of Scholarly Works of the International Congress. St. Petersburg, 1999. Pp. 26–27
  5. Technical Aspects of Versification in Quantitative Models (On the Question of the Formation of the Russian Syllabo-Tonic). In: A Collection of Scholarly Works of the 29. International Congress of Philological Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. B. 7: Applied and Mathematical Linguistics. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2000. Pp. 23–27. Co-authors: M. A. Krasnoperova and A. S. Mukhin
  6. On the Source of the Rhythm of the Russian Syllabo-Tonic Verse (The Problem of Inter-Language communication). In: A Collection of Scholarly Works of the International Congress «Languages of Sciences-Languages of Art». Moscow-Suzdal, 2000. Pp. 353–358. Co-authors: M. A. Krasnoperova and A. S. Mukhin
  1. Rhythm and Language in the Genesis of Russian Syllabo-Tonics (based on Material from Russian and German Verse). Author’s abstract of dissertation for candidacy of the academic level of Ph.D. (doctor) for the philological sciences. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2001
  2. Formal Methods in Linguistic Poetics. A Collection of Scholarly Works Dedicated to Prof. M. A. Krasnoperova on the Occasion of her 60th Birthday. Compiled and Edited by B. Scherr (USA) and E. Kazartsev (RF). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2001. Co-editor B. P. Scherr
  3. Instead of the preface. In: Formal Methods in Linguistic Poetics. A Collection of Scholarly Works… St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2001. Pp. 3–7. Co-author B. P. Scherr
  4. New Materials for Research of the Genesis of the Russian Syllabo-Tonic. In: A Collection of Scholarly Works of the International Congress «Slavic Verse: Linguistic and Applied Poetics. Moscow: Languages of the Slavonic Culture, 2001. Pp. 63–73
  5. M. V. Lomonosov‘s «Evening Thoughts...» and the Spiritual Odes of J.-Ch. Günther. In: A Collection of Scholarly Works of the Congress “People, Language, Art”. Moscow, 2001. Pp. 99–101
  6. On the Question of Accent in Rhythmic Words. In: Theoretical and Applied Phonetics (General and Experimental Phonetics). Kiev, 2001. Pp. 188–190
  7. Rhythm of the First Spiritual Ode of M. V. Lomonosov in the Context of the Issue of the Genesis of the Russian Syllabo-Tonic. In: Formal Methods in Linguistic Poetics. A Collection of Scholarly Works... St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2001. Pp. 164–175
  8. Rythmic Interpretation of Text within the Interaction of Tradition. In: A Collection of Scholarly Works in honour of the 110th anniversary of V. M. Žirmunskij. St. Petersburg: „Nauka“. 2001. Pp. 310–316. Co-author M. A. Krasnoperova
  1. Die Anwendung linguistischer Statistik bei der Analyse des deutschen Verses. In: Meter, Rhythm and Performance. Proceedings of the International Conference. Linguistik International. Band 6. Peter Lang Verlag. 2002. Pp. 413–424
  2. On the Principles of the Preservation of Language Information and the Mathematical Models of Textual Rythm. In: A Collection of Scholarly Works of the International Congress of Trapesnikov’s-Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2003. Pp. 1781–1783. Co-author M. A. Krasnoperova
  1. „Ode... na vzjatije Khotina“ M. V. Lomonosova na fone jazykovykh modelej ritmiki nemeckogo i russkogo stikha. “Ode... on the Taking of Khotin” of M. V. Lomonosov on the Background of Language Rythmic Models of German and Russian.. In: Materials of the International Academic Conference “Slavic Verse: Linguistics and Culture.” Moscow, 2004. Pp. 33–46. Co-author M. A. Krasnoperova
  2. On the Question of Typology in the Formation of the Syllabo-Tonics in German and Russian Versification. In: Essays in Phonetics in honour of the 100th anniversary of professor L. R. Zinder. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2004. Pp. 142–149
  3. M. V. Lomonosov’s Odes’ Rythm and the „Three Style“ Theory. In: Jury-Lotman-Collection of Scholarly Works (Lotmanovskij sbornik) № 3. Moscow: OGI, 2004. Pp. 41–58
  1. J. Stählin‘s Ode of 1741 in M. V. Lomonosov’s Translation (Rythmic Issues). In: Russkaja literatura 2005 № 1. Pp. 81–91. Co-author M. A. Krasnoperova
  2. Dictionary of the Doktor Faust Folk Book and the Rhythm of German Verse. In: Moscow State University Bulletin, № 2, 2005, Series 9, «Philology». Pp. 128–138
  3. The Rhythm of the Dutch Language in the Prose of 2nd Half of the 16th–17th Centuries. In: Working Materials of the International Conference “Functional Styles of Sounded Speech” at Moscow State University, 5–7 September, 2005. Pp. 51–53
  1. Formal Methods in Linguistic Poetics II. A Collection of Scholarly Works Dedicated to Prof. M. A. Krasnoperova on the Occasion of her 65th Birthday. Compiled and Edited by B. P. Scherr (USA) and E. V. Kazartsev (RF). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2006
  2. On the „New Paradigm“ in Contemporary Verse Theory. In: Formal Methods in Linguistic Poetics II… St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2006. Pp. 5–12. Co-author B.P. Scherr
  3. On the Genesis of Nederlands Syllabo-tonicism in 17th century: Rhythmic of Iambic Tetraneter in a Background of Language Models of Versification. In: Formal Methods in Linguistic Poetics II... St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2006. Pp. 103–119
  4. Hidden weights on scales of a “divine proportion”. In: Journal of Language and Language Behavior. № 7, 2006, Pp. 149–169. Co-autors: M. A. Krasnoperova, S. I. Kormilov, A. V. Prokhorov, T. B. Šlušenkova
  5. Zum Problem der Entstehung des syllabotonischen Versmaßsystems im europäischen Vers. In: Glottometrics 13. Editors: G. Altmann, K.-H. Best u a. 2006. S. 1–22
  6. The interaction between Russian and German verse and language during the development of Russian syllabo-tonicism. In: Filologija i kultura. Materialy VI meždunarodnoj konferencii. Tambov, 2007. S. 76–80. Co-autor M. A. Krasnoperova
  1. Iambic tetrameter of M. Opitz and the rhythmics of the Dutch verse. In: Bulletin of Moscow University, Philology. 2008 № 2, Мoscow, 2008. Pp. 44–53
  2. About the using of the probability models in comparative studying of the processes of rhythmic formation of verse on different languages). In: Material of the Alexander von Humboldt Colloquium «Nano, Cogni, Chrono». Moskow, 2008. Pp. 74–78
  3. Types of Interaction between Meter and Language in Relation to the Spread of the Syllabo-tonic in European Verse from the End of the 16th Century to the Mid 18th Century. In: Glottotheory 2008, № 1. Pp. 31–37
  4. The Influence of the Reform in Dutch Verse at the Beginning of the 17th Century on the Subsequent Future of European Versification (A Typology of the Development of Syllabo-tonicism in Dutch, German and Russian Versification). In: Glottotheory, 2008 № 1. Pp. 111–115
  5. Distribution of Syllabotonicism in Early Modern European Verse. In: Technologies of the 21st Century: Biological, Physical, Informational and Social Aspects. The 2nd St. Petersburg Humbold-Kolleg Conference. Bonn, 2008. Pp. 14–15
  6. Informational and Social Aspects. The 2nd St. Petersburg Humbold-Kolleg Conference. Bonn, 2008. Pp. 14–15.
  7. Reconstructive Simulation of Versification in the Comparative Studies of Texts in Different Languages (Theoretical Aspects and Practice of Application). In: Frontiers in Comparative Metrics: in memoriam Mikhail Gasparov. Tartu, Tallinn, 20-23 November 2008. Edit. Lotman, M. K.; Lotman, M. Tallinn: Tallinn University Press, 2008. 58. Co-autor M. A. Krasnoperova
  1. Frühe deutsche Jamben und ihre niederländische Vorbilder. In: Neerlandica Wartislaviensia, XVIII, Wrocław, 2009. Pp. 23–40
  2. Rhythmic of the early German Iambic Tetrameter and the Analogy in the Russian Verse. In: Slavic Verse: Study of Verse and Linguistic. Мoscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture, 2009. Pp. 351–364.
  3. Entwicklungsuniversalien der deutschen und russischen Syllabotonik. In: Humanism in the European Science and Culture. Lublin, 2009. Pp. 33–34.
  4. About the Typology of the development of iambic verse in Dutch, German and Russian poetry. Material of International Humboldt-Kolleg Conference in St. Petersburg. Editor Prof., Dr. T. V. Nikitina, St. Petersburg: SbPGUEF, 2009. Pp. 205–207.
  1. The Rhythm of M.V. Lomonosov’s Hexameter. In: The Russian Language: Historical Fates and Modern Development. IV International Congress of the Researchers of the Russian Language. Works and Materials. Moscow, 2010. Pp. 183–184. Co-autor M. A. Krasnoperova.
  2. Versritme in de vroegmoderne tijd. In: Neerlandistiek. Wetenschapelijk tijdschrift voor de Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde. Editors: B. Holleman, M. Hüning, J. Koppenol u a., 2010 Pp. 1–20.
  3. M.V. Lomonosov’s Ode “Na den’ tezoimenitstva... Petra Feodoroviča 1743 g.” in the Context of the Problem of the Sources of Russian Syllabo-tonicism. In: Russian Literature (Russkaya literatura), № 2, 2010 № 2. Pp. 83–90.
2011 - 2012
  1. Zur rhythmischen Entwicklung früher niederländischen und deutschen Jamben. In: Current Trends in Metrical Analysis. Edit. Ch. Küper. Peter Lang Verlag, „Littera“ 2011. Pp. 251–263.
  2. Reconstructive simulation of versification in comparative studies of texts in different languages (theoretical aspects and practice of application). In: Frontiers in Comparative Metrics. Peter Lang, 2011. Pp. 97–120. Co-author M. A. Krasnoperova .
  3. Overaccentueringen de ontwikkelingvan de alternerende versificatie // IVG-Akten – 29 Oudere Nederlandse Letterkunde (Ältere Niederländische Literatur).Edit. St.Kiedroń etc. Warshau, 2012 P. 253–259.
  4. Rhythm of Mikhail Lomonosov’s odes of 1743. In: Formal Methods in Poetics. RAM-Verlag, 2011. P. 1-12
  5. Formal Methods in Poetics. RAM-Verlag, 2011. Co-authors: J. Bailey, B. Scherr.
  6. Russian“ Formal-Statistical Method in the Study of Inter-Language Communication by the Evolution of the European Verse. In: How Science Spies on and Technology Imitates Nature. Book of Abstracts. Gdańsk (Danzig), University of Gdańsk Press, 2011. S. 45.
  7. In Memory of Professor M. A. Krasnoperova In: Formal Methods in Poetics, RAM-Verlag, 2011. S. III–IV. (Co-autor: Barry P. Scherr)
  8. Реконструкция образа: памяти профессора Санкт-Петербургского университета М. А. Краснопёровой // Вестник СПбГУ. Сер. 9, вып. 3.2011. С. 222–225. (Соавторы: Г. Я. Мартыненко, Б. Шерр, В. Каюмова, Т. Б. Шлюшенкова(Воеводская).
  9. «Случайные ямбы» в прозе Б. Л. Пастернака // Проблемы поэтики и стиховедения. Материалы VI Международной научно-теоретической конференции, посвященной 100-летию со дня рождения З. Шашкина. Алматы, 2012. С. 242–247.
  10. К истории появления пиррихиев в русском ямбе // Russian literature, 2012. (в печати).
  11. A Comparative Study of Early Dutch, German,and Russian Iambic Verse // Material of the International Conference “Poetry and Poetics”(впечати)
  12. It is easy to speak Russian 1: Introductory phonetic course. St. Petersburg: University Press, 2012
  13. It is easy to speak Russian 1I: Verbs of motion. St. Petersburg: University Press, 2012
  1. «Die gekrönte Hoffnung des Russischen Kaisertums…» Gotloba Junkera v perevode Mikhaila Lomonosova. Mikhail Lomonosov's translating of Gottlob Juncker’s «Die gekrönte Hoffnung des Russischen Kaisertums…». In: Russkaja literatura, 2013 № 3. 99–111.
  2. On the history of the appearance of pyrchic feet in Russian iambic verse. In: Russian literature, 73. Edit. W. G. Weststeijn. 2013. 379–409.
  3. Niederländische Quellen von Martin Opitz’ Versrhythmik. In: Zeitschrift für Germanistik, 3. 2013. 118–128.
  4. Mikrosituacija stikha v proze poeta. The Verse Microsituation in the Poet's Prose. In: Proceedings of the AATSEEL Conference 2013 in Boston. Edit. A. Burry, Gerald McCausland and Dianna Murphy. 2013. 74–75.
  5. Early Iambic Verse in English, Dutch, German and Russian Poetry: The Basis of Rhythmical Freedom. In: Comparative Literature Studies, 2013 (in press).
  6. Comparative Study of Verse: Language Probability Models. In: Style, 2013 (in press)
  7. The Rhythmic Structure of «Tales of Belkin» and the Peculiarities of a Poet's Prose. In: Essays in honour of professor B. P. Scherr. Slavica, 2013 (in press)
  8. Neue Formen des deutschen Verses in der Frühen Neuzeit. In: Daphnis: Zeitschrift für Mittlere Deutsche Literatur und Kultur der Frühen Neuzeit (1400-1750), 2014 (submitted).

Eugeny Viacheslavovich Kazartsev