1 - 31 DECEMBER 1944

APO 83

SUBJECT: Report After Action Against the Enemy.

TO: The Adjutant General, Washington, D. C. (thru channels).

In accordance with paragraph 10, (C-3), AR 345-105, the following report after action for the month of December 1944 is submitted:

1 December 1944.

Disposition at beginning of period: Regtl combat team in assembly area Vic of DUELEM, LUXEMBOURG (933057), attachments:

323rd FA Bn (945016)
Co B, 308th Engr Bn (837179)
Co B, 308th Med Bn (7405)
Co C, 774th Tk Bn (7405).

Sector quiet. Move to VII Corps Area postponed for 24 hours, Co C, 774th Tk Bn relieved from attachment to 330th Inf.

95 Trucks of two 1st Army QM Truck Cos closed into Bn areas at 1800. Co B, 308th Engr Bn and Regtl Mine Plat departed at 0800 to move to VII Corps sector to clear mines in Regtl Combat Team assembly area. VII Corps had reported roads, trails, fields and woods heavily mined and no assurance could be given that rear areas were clear of mines.

2 December 1944.

At 1015 Regtl Combat Team received orders to cross IP at 1200 for move to assembly area vic of GRESSENICH, GERMANY. 1st Bn, lead element, crossed IP at 1200.

The 1st Bn closed into assembly area vic of SCHEVENHÜTTE, GERMANY (005422) at 2115 and all elements of combat team had closed into assembly areas at ( ? 030130 ?).

The service train which followed the main body suffered 6 casualties from strafing enemy aircraft.

330th Inf became attached to the 4th Div on arrival.

3 December 1944.

The 1st Bn moved from assembly area at 0730 to relieve the 1st Bn of the 22nd Inf, the 2nd Bn moved at 0745 to relieve 3rd Bn, 22nd Inf, and the 3rd Bn moved at 0800 to relieve the 2nd Bn, 22nd Inf. The Regtl CP was established at (025382), the location of the 22nd Inf CP, at 0845. The 1st Bn had completed its relief at 1600, the 2nd at 1700, and the 3rd at 1200. At 2105, Regt assumed responsibility for sector. Our troops occupied same positions as those occupied by 22nd Infantry. Dispositions: 1st Bn: (06753903) - (06953875) - (06703850). B Co on left, C Co on right, A Co in reserve. 2nd Bn: G Co (05833990) - (06083928); E Co (06083930) - (06403918); F Co (06403918) - (06453880); 3rd Bn; (06303670) - (06203805), K Co on left, I Co in center, and L Co on right. 121st Inf on right, 12th Infantry on left. Contact with 121st Inf made by patrol and was maintained throughout night.

Mortar and arty fire was extremely heavy, fighting went on throughout the process of relief and we suffered casualties in effecting the relief. Muddy roads and fields together with the fact that practically all fields were mined and booby trapped made it impractical to get all organic transportation forward. Therefore, Hvy wpns Cos took 6 Jeeps w/trailers and rifle Cos took 1 jeep w/trailer forward. The remainder of Bn vehicles remained behind in Bn motor pools. Co E, 629th TD Bn (SP) arrived in area and attached to 330th Inf on arrival. Co B, 774th Tk Bn attached.

4 December 1944.

Positions unchanged, mortar and arty fire heavy on forward elements, one vehicle 2nd Bn destroyed by mine. Enemy aircraft straffed Regtl area, no casualties resulted.

Co B, 629th TD Bn (SP), relieved elements of 803rd TD Bn (SP) in sector at 1030 and Co C, 774th Tk Bn relieved 70th Tk Bn elements at 1030. Contact with 121st Inf maintained every 3 hours during night by patrol from 3rd Bn.

5 December 1944.

At 0645, approximately 50 enemy attacked B Co's positions from the NE, preceded by heavy concentrations, of mortar and arty. B Co allowed enemy to approach to within 50 yards of their positions. In the fire fight that followed, 20 prisoners were taken, and approximately 20 killed. B Co suffered very light casualties.

The sector was quiet throughout remainder of day except for arty and mortar which continued to be heavy on front line elements.

At 2330, a reconnaissance patrol of 3rd Bn passed outpost line to reconnoiter area vic of (070392). This was the area from which B Co had received their attack. The patrol was met by accurate mortar fire each time they attempted to advance to their objective, the patrol failed to accomplish mission.

Contact patrols maintained contact with 121st Inf on right throughout night.

6 December 1944.

The 1st Bn readjusted their front lines and occupied the positions of K and I Cos with A Co. 3rd Bn assembled NE of GROSSHAU (048386) as Regtl Reserve. This readjustment was completed at 2400. G Co relieved B Co at 1330. B Co assembled at (063383) in Bn Reserve.

The 759th Lt Tk Bn (-B & C) attached to Regt at 2000.

7 December 1944.

330th Inf relieved from attachment to 4th Div at 1600.

Two patrols of Maurauder Plat were given mission of: (1) reconnoiter road leading into SCHAFBERG and (2) reconnoiter Hill 375 (071378), discover the strength and disposition of enemy forces occupying hill and if possible occupy hill with combat patrol. The patrol reached a point (068381) but received considerable mortar fire and was unsuccessful in penetrating to objective. The patrol returned through A Cos outpost at 0010. At 1300, a reconnaissance patrol led by A Co NCO penetrated to what he believed to be Hill 375 (072377) and reported it unoccupied by enemy. At 1645, 1st Bn started infiltrating 1 Plat to occupy Hill 375. At 1855, 1st Bn reported, A Co occupied Hill 375. One enemy patrol was encountered during movement and driven off.

The Regtl Mine Plat began operations to clear roads leading to Hill 375 in order to get light tanks up to reinforce A Co.

Enemy arty and mortar fire was heavy throughout day and night on forward elements.

One officer was killed and jeep destroyed by a mine on a road in 3rd Bn sector that had been traveled on extensively throughout preceding two days.

8 December 1944.

At 072300 A Co discovered it did not occupy Hill 375 but rather position generally at ( +489379+). A Co was ordered to occupy Hill 375 and B Co alerted to follow. By 0625, both A and B Cos had taken position on hill forming a circular defense the center being at ( +492377+). +Errornous map references

The enemy occupying position was taken bu surprise, 15 men en two officers were taken prisioner before they were aware our forces were on the hill. The mission of the enemy on the position was to warn their headquarters in case of an attack.

One platoon of light tanks Co A, 759th Tk Bn, began moving to Hill 375 before morning. One tank was lost in friendly mine field of 121st Inf that was not marked. Regtl Mine Plat cleared road ahead of tanks thereafter. At 1230, 1st Plat of Lt tks had arrived on hill. Co I was attached to 1st Bn to occupy former A Co sector and establish contact with A Co on Hill 375. I Co suffered casualties in heavy arty and mortar concentrations and were only partly succesful in occupying positions between C and A.
The 2nd Plat of t Tks had joined 1st Plat on Hill 375 at 1600. The Maurauder Plat sent patrols to (073383) where they observed SCHAFBERG at (07453740).

9 December 1944.

A and B Cos attempted to readjust their lines during night of 8 - 9 Dec and were partly successful, extremely heavy arty and mortar fire caused heavy casualties in A and B Cos. The enemy launched couterattack on A Co's position with Inf and one SP gun or tank. The Lt Tks engaged the enemy tank repeatedly but were unable to do it any apparent harm. The enemy tank withdrew and the attack was repulsed. Small groups of of enemy infantry, supported by tanks attempted to penetrate I Co's sector but were unsuccessful. However, I Co beacme disorganized as a result and small groups of I Co joined C Co on left while approximately 1 Plat maintained positions. The arty end mortar fire was very heavy in I Co's sector and I Co was unable to maintain contact with A and C cos.

All of Co A, 759th Lt Tk Co were able to complete move to Hill 375 with Cos A and B.

A and B Cos' front lines: no appreciative change.

10 December 1944.

The Regt launched attack at 0630. The plan of attack was for the 1st Bn to advance from present lines and secure the forward slope of Hill 375 (071375), and prevent counterattack from S and SE. At the same time, the 3rd Bn would launch attack in column of companies to seize town of STRASS (078391). The time of attack 0630 was given to take advantage of darkness to prevent observation of enemy and to secure surprise if possible. The 3rd Bn with L Co leading crossed LD at 0630 through C Co lines and passed through SCHAFBERG. (074384) under cover of darkness with little opposition from enemy personnel but against heavy arty and mortar fire. Some prisoners were taken. At 0728, 3rd Bn reported they were in STRASS and that K Co was being committed on the right of L Co and that mopping up operations in the town had begun. Enemy tanks or assault guns attacked. 3rd Bn knocked out 3 tanks with bazooka fire.

The 3rd Bn called for C Co, 774th Tk Bn to come forward and join the Bn at 0900. At 1100, C Co, 774th Tk Bn had joined 3rd Bn in STRASS and were engaged with enemy tanks or SP guns.1 Plat of Co B, 629th TD Bn moved to STRASS, one TD was knocked out enroute. Our arty continually took enemy SP and Inf under fire. Enemy forces in SCHAFBERG, including direct fire weapons vic. of (083387) that had been bypassed by 3rd Bn, blocked the road between LD and STRASS. No vehicles were able to get past (071381) where the TD was knocked out. At close of day, 3rd Bn still occupied STRASS with L and K Cos and the only communication with 3rd Bn was by radio of 629th TDs.

The 1st Bn jumped off at 0630 and after advancing approximately 300 yards, were held up at line (075377) - (07553790) at 0800 before entrenched enemy infantry and extremely heavy arty and mortar fire. No further advance was made by 1st Bn. 1st Bn knocked out 1 enemy tank; 3 of our light tanks were knocked out. At 0855, 1 Plat Co B, 629th TD Bn, towing 1 Plat Regtl AT guns moved to A and B Cos' sector to give direct fire support to 3rd Bn and 1st Bn from vic. of (0838).

At 1330, G Co was committed to clean out SCHAFBERG area. At 1530, G Co was engaged with entrenched enemy infantry at (071387) and were unable to advance.

During night of 10-11, repeated attempts were made to get supplies to 3rd Bn in STRASS by foot patrols and vehicles. Only tracked vehicles were able to negotiate the muddy roads and tanks were lost to mines and direct fire weapons during daylight. Extremely heavy arty and mortar fire and s/a prevented patrols from getting through.

Co A, 87th Cml Co arrived in Regtl Area at 1238 and began supporting Bns by fire at 1430.


Source: National Archives and Records Administration

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