APO #8 U.S. Army

1 December 1944.

General Situation: The 8th Division was deployed on a front of 3,000 yards from F 055375 in the vicinity of Rott, Germany. The Division continued the attack in the left portion of the sector. The 13th Infantry less one Battalion maintained its position and continued the mission of holding the line and patrolling vigorously. The First Battalion, 13th Infantry remained attached to the 121st Infantry. The 1st Battalion attacked at 0700 to secure the road and approaches to Kleinhau, Germany. Upon jumping off, the Battalion was hit by fire from our own artillery and it became necessary to reorganize the Companies and postpone attack until 0900. At 0900 the Battalion attacked again and moved forward steadily through enemy artillery, mortar and automatic fire to seize and secure its objective. The 13th Infantry, less the 1st Battalion continued to patrol and hold on its front. At 0930, Colonel Numa A. Watson arrived from 8th Division Headquarters to take command of the Regiment. In the morning "B" Company of the 644th TD Battalion, attached to the Regiment, moved a tank destroyer to within 25 yards of a ground fortification opposite the 3rd Battalion Area and fired 48 rounds, knocking a small hole in the heavy fortification. At 1345 General Gerow, V Corps Commander, visited the CP. The 2nd Battalion received considerable artillery fire during the morning. There were minor readjustments of units within the Battalion areas and "I" and "K" Companies beat off small enemy attacks. (Strength see Appendix B).

2 December 1944.

General Situation: The 8th Division continued the attack in the left portion of its sector to secure and outpost the ground to the East and Southeast of Kleinhau, Germany. The 121st Infantry, with the 1st Battalion, 13th Infantry attached, were on the left of the Division sector. In the center of the sector, the 28th Infantry made a limited objective attack to cross the Trace ? (Kall) River and secure the line B - 8 (See overlay accompanying 8th Division Order, 1 December 1944). The 13th Infantry, less the 1st Battalion, continued to occupy its positions, hold the line in its sector and conduct vigorous patrolling. At about 1000, Brigadier General Weaver, 8th Division Commander, visited the 1st Battalion C.P. at Kleinhau. At 1145 a radio message was relayed by the attached T.D. Company stating that 4 German tanks were moving toward Kleinhau and that a Panzer Division was moving West from Coordinates 070382 to 097375 (See Map). This information proved incorrect and the threat never developed. The remainder of the day was quiet. Minor exchanges of positions were made within the Battalion. (Strength see Appendix B).

3 December 1944.

General Situation: The 8th Division continued the attack in the left portion of its sector, to secure the ground East of the Brandenberg - Hurtgen - Kleinhau road and assist CCR of 5th Armored Division to attack Brandenberg, Germany. The 1st Battalion, 13th Infantry remained attached to the 121st Infantry with the mission of organizing the high ground Southeast of Hurtgen and defending it against any counter attack. The 13th Infantry, less the 1st Battalion, continued to occupy its positions with its mission unchanged. On the morning, 8 rounds of 88 mm direct fire landed between "G" and "K" Companies with no casualties reported. At 0930, the attached Company of the 644th TD Battalion reported firing on a tank, a fortified house and a German barracks. From 0910 to 0935, 50 rounds of 105 howitzer and 150 rounds of heavy mortar fire fell in the 2nd and 3rd Battalion areas. From about 1400 to 1530 30 planes, identified as ME 109's operated over the Division Area, bombing rear installations and strafing roads and personnel in forward areas. At 1400 2 planes strafed "C" Company area; at 1417, 4 planes strafed the Field Train and at 1420 4 planes strafed the Regimental CP. No casualties. One plane downed in area and pilot made prisoner. Remainder of the day was relative1y quiet with routine patrolling. (Strength see Appendix B)

Messerschmitt Me (Bf) 109 G-6
ME 109
(photo courtesy Kogo, source Wikipedia)

4 December 1944.

8th Division had the mission of holding the ground it had gained in the Hurtgen - Kleinhau Area. 13th Infantry less the 1st Battalion had no change of situation or mission. 1st Battalion, still attached to 121st Infantry organized the ground east of Kleinhau. The day was very quiet with only light mortar fire reported in the Battalion Area. At 1000, 3 German planes, (ME 109) strafed Hurtgen. {During the afternoon, the attached TD Company put indirect fire on the tower of Schmidt. (Strength see Appendix B).

5 December 1944.

8th Division mission unchanged. 13th Infantry less 1st Battalion , continued to occupy position. 1st Battalion remained attached to 121st Infantry. At about 0300, a German high-velocity weapon (probably an "88") fired on the 2nd Platoon, 8th Recon Troop, attached to the Regiment. During the morning German tanks and Infantry were moving toward the area near Kommerscheidt. Attack never materialized. In the afternoon the AP Mine laying Platoon worked on clearing roads. There were minor exchange of positions in the Battalion Area. (Strength see Appendix B).

6 December 1944.

8th Division continued mission of attack in left and center of its sector. 28th in center made limited attack to aid CCR, 5th Armored Division to capture Bergstein, Germany. 13th less 1st Battalion, maintained positions and mission of holding the line. At 0850, 3 tanks were reported by K Company CP at 0900. 20 rounds fell in "E" Company Area. At. 0900, CCR had a counterattack at Bergstein and repulsed it. At about 1100 a report was received that 50 to 100 planes were headed for the area. Attack never materialized. The remainder the day was quiet with minor exchanges of positions within the line Companies. (Strength see Appendix B).

7 December 1944.

Beginning of fourth year of U.S. participation on the War. 8th Division had mission of consolidating ground it had taken. Thirteenth Infantry continued to occupy its positions with following changes: First Battalion was relieved by 12th Engineers Battalion in vicinity of Kleinhau and reverted to Regimental control. Company I extended its area to the left to take over territory of Company F, 28th Infantry. Upon its relief, First Battalion moved to assembly area in woods West of Hurtgen (020349). The day was quiet and spent in planning the following changes in disposition to occur December 8th; (1) First Battalion to relieve Third Battalion in darkness night of December 8. (2) Third Battalion to move to assembly area, from there to vicinity SE of Kleinhau and relieve a Ranger Battalion in that area. One Company of 16th Infantry to reinforce 8th Reconnaissance Troop on right of Division Area. Division Commander visited CP at 1520 to coordinate plans. There was usual patrol activity. (Strength see Appendix B)

8 December 1944.

Thirteenth Infantry carried out mission outlined on December 7. (Also see 8th Division Field Order, December 7). First Battalion was relieved by 12th Engineer Battalion and closed in assembly area, vicinity 020349. At 0800, December 8, First Battalion began moving by road (see overlay December 7 for route) to Third Battalion area. Relief of Third Battalion began at 0945 and was completed without difficulty at about 1400. At 0800, Commanding Officer, Thirteenth Infantry was called to Division Headquarters. At 1150, Commanding Officer called Executive officer, who in turn called the Battalion Commanders and Staff of First and Second Battalions and Special Units Company Commanders. Told them Thirteenth Infantry would be relieved in place on December 9 by 3llth Infantry, 78th Division. Thirteenth Infantry would move to area East and SE of Bergstein (see Map) and take over part of area of 28th Infantry. Reconnaissance parties from all units, set out for new area at once and representatives from 311th Infantry arrived to look over Thirteenth Infantry area. Usual patrols were conducted. There was no enemy artillery. (Strength see Appendix B)

9 December 1944.

Thirteenth Infantry prepared to move to new area vicinity of Bergstein at 0920. Eighth Division Commander changed Regimental Mission. New mission: Put Second Battalion on line SE of Bergstein and on left of 28th Infantry (See Division Order for December 9). Hold line, defend Bergstein at all cost and prepare to attack Southeast on "D" Day. Third Battalion, 28th Infantry to be attached to Thirteenth Infantry. Plans were made according to the new order. New forward CP was established at Brandenberg and rear CP at Hurtgen (See Map). Coordinates of Forward CP. Meanwhile, Third Battalion had relieved Ranger Battalion, effective 0345, suffering five (5) casualties from artillery fire. Second and First Battalion were relieved in place by 3llth Infantry and began movements as follows: Second Battalion to Bergstein Area and First Battalion to recreation area, vicinity of Zweifall. Relief completed by nightfall without incident. Second Battalion moved into line under cover of darkness and closed in new area prior to 0400, December 10, 1944. For Regimental disposition, see overlay December 10th for Map 1/25000, Germany, Sheets 5203-04; 5303-04. (Strength see Appendix B)


Source: National Archives and Records Administration

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