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Merchandising: Annuals

The Avengers Annual 1968The Avengers Annual 1968
Uitgeverij: Atlas Publishing Ltd
Origine: UK
PersonagesJohn Steed en Tara King
Features (5)
Pictorial Features (2)
Picture Strips (3)
Stories (3)
The Avengers Annual 1969The Avengers Annual 1969
Uitgeverij: Atlas Publishing Ltd
Origine: UK
PersonagesJohn Steed en Tara King
Features (3)
Pictorial Features (2)
Picture Strips (3)
Stories (3)
TV Times Souvenir Extra The New Avengers 1976TV Times Souvenir Extra The New Avengers 1976
Uitgeverij: Independent Television Books
Origine: UK
Personages: John Steed, Cathy Gale, Emma Peel,
Tara King, Purdey en Gambit
Why the new team never holds hands / How it all
began / How brave Avengers beat those evil
enemies / How they add finesse to every fling /
How The Avengers Motor on / How The Avengers
faced up to fashion / Patrick Macnee tells his own
life story / Dice with The Avengers! / Roll of honour

The New Avengers Annual 1977The New Avengers Annual 1977
Uitgeverij: Brown Watson
Origine: UK
Personages: John Steed, Purdey en Gambit
Introducing (6)
Games (3)
Picture Strips (2)
Stories (4)
The Big Cat
The New Avengers Annual 1977The New Avengers Annual 1978
Uitgeverij: Brown Watson
Origine: UK
Personages: John Steed, Purdey en Gambit
Stories (2)
Background information (4)
Picture Strips (2)
Avengography (3)
Games (1)

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Images and Sounds: The Avengers © 1961-1969 CANAL+ IMAGE
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