GraphingCalculator 4; Window 92 126 646 1263; PaneDivider 332; FontSizes 16; BackgroundType 0; BackgroundColor 10 0 20; StackPanes 1; Slider 0 180; SliderSteps 180; SliderMoving 1; SliderDirection -1; U 0 6.283185307179586; V 0 6.283185307179586; 4D.X -1 1; 4D.Y -1 1; 4D.Z -1 1; 4D.W -1 1; 4D.Show4DxyPlane 0; 4D.Show4Daxes 0; 4D.Depth 1.7330909743; 4D.View 0.0907044105672264 -0.297266313767348 0.6881249164962376 0.655659628084767 0.298001350577371 -0.4386063133166485 -0.6934883187987625 0.487743425032779 -0.2011332764393695 -0.847976810869295 0.1145226007811978 -0.4768283834324809 0.9287159469218768 -0.01387691774415348 0.1801183635751077 -0.3238078074886469; Text "Probing the 3-sphere with a rotating sphere by Guido 'wugi' Wuyts, 2016 "; Color 2; Expr b=2^0.5; Color 8; Expr d=n*(2*pi/180); Text "Rotating a sphere through a 3-sphere, in the (u,v) plane, i.e. around the (x,y) plane (4D!). b = radius of 3-sphere = sqrt(2) d = sphere rotation angle in (u,v) plane "; Color 6; Expr vector(x,y,u,v)=vector(b*sin(u)*cos(v),b*sin(u)*sin(v),b*cos(u)*cos(d),b*cos(u)*sin(d)); Expr vector(-2,0,0,0),vector(2,0,0,0); Expr vector(0,-2,0,0),vector(0,2,0,0); Color 3; Expr vector(0,0,0,0),vector(0,0,2,0); Color 3; Expr vector(0,0,0,0),vector(0,0,0,2); Color 6; Expr vector(0,0,0,0),vector(0,0,2*cos(d),2*sin(d)); Color 6; Expr vector(0,0,0,0),vector(0,0,-(2*sin(d)),2*cos(d));