FoxOring Maasmechelen
Final results
20 July 2013

A special trophy provided by the restaurant "De Salamander" was for the runner with the
best results in both Championships.
The race for the best results was very exiting from the beginning.
In the FoxOring competition, between number one and two was only 1:14 minutes.
The winner than was DO1FOX Stefan Berse from Germany.
After the 80m ARDF race DO1FOX increased his winning time with 0:58 minutes and
was 2:12 minutes in advance to his opponent UR8UA Mykola Ivanchykhin from the Ukraine.
After the third and last race on 2m ARDF Mykola Ivanchykin made a tremendous speedup
and beated his opponent with 37:08 minutes.
So finally he was the convincing winner and got the special restaurant trophy
here handed over by the restaurant owner him self.
Also a special trophy provided by the restaurant "De Salamander" was for the runner with the
most bad luck in the race.
Wilma PD2WLM is a very passionated runner herself but had a little physical problem today that forced
her not to search all transmitters.
Our referee and everyone else were unanimously the opinion that Wilma should have that trophy.
We like to thank every one
the competitors, the spectators, the helpers and also
the restaurant De Salamander
and the community of Maasmechelen.

It really was a pleasure to me that many competitors
came from very far away.

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