Animated globe I received from Marianne for helping her with conflicting att files. Way to easy to get a globe this pretty but you won't see me complaining ^_^ 


Sweet isn't it? Thanks Norneia!!


Easter Egg from Kathira... Isn't it cute?


You are... Trix! Well duh :) 
(and without cheating)

What member of the Creatures Community are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


What Creatures 3/Docking Station creature are you?
This quiz was made by DClick


For helping my sister with her site (and her grendel breed, but shh, you didn't hear it from me!)


Got me, I'm a Gemini



Pretty isn't she? Dratini was the only C2 amphibious dragon to be seen by the world at that time and she looked absolutely fabulous.

=) was really cute, I still don't know how he managed that pose. He sure loves apples though.