If you're looking for some genetic diversity without having to download an entire new breed, then this place is where you'll be able to find some interesting eggfiles. Just place these eggfiles into your 'My Agents' folder and they should show up on your egglayer machine.
Click the image to download the Egg Agent.



hey were made by Pez for Lorestas, and now I made an egg agent for these adorable little norns! They have this wonderful purple colour and are, like real treehuggers, easily crowded. Lorestas, who has been breeding them for several generations now says you should have some bugs or a cuddly tree ready so they won't get scared.



A mix of Civet, Zebra and Bengal des Neiges, these black and white creatures are somewhat unstable psychologically. Listing it all would take too long (read the readme), but let's suffice to say that they might do some peculiar things. All in all, they survive, they breed (which surprised me).
Tip: if they're stuck, hit them. They'll love you or it.



Deepdweller Norns were supposed to be a new long-haired underwater breed. I never did get the hang o making tails, so here they are as a genome mix between Aua Norns and Vampyre Grendels. They like cold places, can breeth underwater and above AND, they swim when using the CreaturesCaves swimming agent.



Nerei Norns are a pretty red and yellow breed (Akatora-Primavera mix), that are intended to keep your population count in check. Evolution-wise they lack iron and thus are too faint to mate. Unless of course they find an alternative source of food.... critters. Give them some animal meat and they will be able to breed. They're very handy.



These were created accidentally, but they look cool so I'm posting them. Snake Norns are a Treehugger, Gecko, Aqua mix that can live on land and in water, but they prefer warm places. They are very economical with food, which is always a plus, and generally tend to be happy to slither around and play. Have fun with these.


Ettins that actually smile, this eggfile will hatch you a set of Ettins with my DFD genome. These ettins need little care, will smile, travel, push whatever's in sight, eat, play and socialize. They have no problems with homesickness as long as other creatures are around and the females won't get much bad side effects from being pregnant. In fact they love being it.


Some little ettins (Ettin-ChiChi-Magma crosses) with a modified genome. I wanted them to be perfectly able to tend to themselves, but as so often happens with my meddling, that didn't work out. You in fact need to monitor these ettins so they will eat. Once they have learned to eat/play etc though, they are great.



Brightly coloured ettins that can live underwater. Males and Females have sex-dependant colours. The colours will hopefully mutate fast. Thx to Aquashee for his help :)
Genome1: White females and Cyan males
Genome2: Purple females and Orange males
Genome3: Yellow females and Pink males



Swimming Genomes of my underwater breeds! Now your guppies and rain ettins will be able to swim (with the Creatures Caves swimming agent). You have to have the images installed before you can use this eggile though. Other than that they can now swim, none of the eggfiles were altered.



While I was busy enjoying the swimming genomes and Auatilis Caverna, I came upon a few ettins that were a micro-guppy mix that looked like this. Since they're absolutely adorable I had to post them. I did not tamper with their genome, so all I know is that they do smile, though not as much as DfD ettins and that they like shrimp.



I know everyone that has ever bred grendels is aware of the problem of the females ageing after they have laid an egg. It means they can have one child and die when they are pregnant from their second. Wich isn't good to keep a population going. So I just changed that one gen into making the females getting younger when they are pregnant!



These little grendels can eat everything, even detritus and don't need to eat a lot. They can also play with bad plants and bugs without bad side-effects. Most illnesses can be cured by smelling light or eating and of course like you would cure any other creature that is sick. The eating part is just so they can survive on their own.



Brightly coloured grendels that can live underwater. Males and Females have sex-dependant colours. The colours will hopefully mutate fast, try crossbreeding the genomes.
Genome1: Cyan females and Blue males
Genome2: White females and Yellow males
Genome3: Black females and Green males



Want Grendels? Want variety in looks and behaviour? These grendels with mixed breed sprites and different (outrageous) genomes might just be what you're looking for! Look at the description for the breeds and anxiously await just which breed the random eggfile will give you!
For more information on the Genomes, go here.



Here is the Zion Grendel Genome (revised), using the Vampyre Grendel spirtes, but coloured so the males are golden yellow and the emales are emerald green. They're friendlier than Vampyre grendels, like to be among norns and ettins more and generally are easy to take care of. I hope this genome makes up or not finishing the first grendel breed I thought up.