December 2003

28/12/2003 No updates, just a teaser :) I know Christmas is late, but well I've had little time. However expect these babies to be ready before the end of January (nice big timeframe in case my exams mess up.
01/12/2003 Monthly update! the C2 breedlist is now completely updated (wow things have changed fast and for the good, etn like). Exams are coming again (yeah, I intend not to vanish this time) and hopefully I'll find the time to make you guys a Christmas present for being so patient.
Oh and I added a few norns to the C1 Adoption page and an award to the Awards page.

November 2003
02/11/2003 Checking in again. I promised Aquashee I'd mention his mystery agent once I tried it: It's great and you should all download it at his site!!!
Also, no real progress on those grendels. I'm sorry guys, my life's hectic. next week I'll check out those C2 pages and add a few C1 creatures I got (I can't do it now, I'll have to leave in 15 minutes :p)

October 2003
16/10/2003 Gah..; Three months already :p I'm very sorry people but school is taking up way too much time for me to update regularly. Anyway, here are the updates: Wafuru asked me to take down the reslotted Lilacs and C2 Wafuru Norns so those are gone... and I added some links and grendels to the DS adoption sections. Those underwater grendels are nearly finished btw, I posted a preview in the Breeds Section along with a new genome: The Spotted Desert Ettins!
And if that wasn't enough I updated the C3 breed and C3 Room pages. The C2 pages will follow shortly (and this time I mean it)
In other news: Iggdrasil seems to be getting ready for a reopening (Go Nina!) Aquashee(p) moved to his own domain and A2k moved to a new one (I'v been leaving those links alone way too long). And maybe one of the most interesting new developments: The Dream Norns... they're just adorable *waits impatiently to try them*
01/10/2003 I resurfaced :p