June 2003
Later that day Probably old news, but Gryph told me she revamped GryphonNorn's Perch... So everyone: Go look! Other interesting new developments of the past month include Survivor, Ostrova and Norngarden2
Wow, it's a good month for A2K sites
But the best development over the past month probably is that the DS server is now back up! (Just in case some of you don't know it yet). Please remember to remove the server.cgf file to be able to connect again.
28/06/2003 AN update?! Eeek! Should you all be scared? Of course not! I finished my last exam 2 days ago and I took a day of doing absolutely nothing to relax. There isn't much new, I updated some breed lists. More will follow soon.
06/06/2003 Yet another birthday passed! 

May 2003
16/05/2003 Oooh, it has been long! *feels the warm stinking breath of exams closing in* Erm... yeah, so I won't be updating much soon again... I've updated most I could think of: Awards, Links and Breedlists.
Oh and a birthday agent for GryphonNorn! I've decided to make them when I feel like it... so I won't have to worry about getting them done in time.

April 2003
19/04/2003 Volt11 alerted me today that I had forgotten to check Mkid's site again. I suggest you all go look.
Also very sorry but I still haven't been able to work on the reindeer norns. maybe I should change their heads and make them bunny norns. lol. Anyway, I'll see what I can come up with.
10/04/2003 Updated the links section and some small things around the site.
Also, when I was updating the links I noted Mkid's Grendel Perspective was rather empty. Could this be a long awaited update? Or could it be the beginning of a sad goodbye? I hope for the first
06/04/2003 Wheeee! Planet Internet is working again!!!
As for the Reindeer norns, they are going to be made, but I've run into a little problem with their heads... it's always the heads
06/04/2003 Yes, an update! Too bad there something wrong with my server so you can't see this Anyway, it's Easter vacation and I will be working on projects and stuff (Finally I have time)... plus I'm helping Cyan with the Grendel Mother. I've been a very bad sister not telling her how to upload grendels etc
04/04/2003 A date to remember. Let's hope people find a solution. I played DS hours those last days and got drawn into the magic of creatures again. I mean, I almost never played DS online (I'm attached to my norns)... but it's so much fun! Somehow I forgot that...