June 2002
30/06/2002 Finally! my exams are over and I have some time to update the universe. First of all, I updated the C2 breedlist (Bilba and soon Flora Norns). And you can nominate people for the World Creatures Awards at the Alblivion.
21/06/2002 Egg Central has a new design and the Creatures Forum is back, on EC!!!!
20/06/2002 Voting is possible on the grendel Art contest!! There are only 6 entries, but still, i got entries . Just send me an e-mail saying who you vote for. Go check it out here.
20/06/2002 Mummy's Creatures is 3 years and is celebrating that with a new wonderful gray-blue design. Amanora has started on the Flora Norns for C2, they look really great, i can't wait till they are finished . There is a relativly new site called Creatures DS and stuff that has a lot of new agents and genomes, including the dolls...very interesting . And I updated my links section again.
10/06/2002 Time really flies, I have exams allready, expect to hear little from me for about 3 weeks... News, Adventures in Nornsitting is back, Lankynorn (from Smartnorn) helped me with some html that should make the Andalousa page load faster (thank you Lankynorn, I should get back to writing that story), and there are 2 new sites out: Astronorns and  Albian Beaches.
07/06/2002 Go over to the Alblivion if you want to get special ettin birthdaycake (heh, no-one has ever made a birthday cake for me, excpet my mom of course).
And there is a new artentry in the
Cyan's Place contest Keep them coming, I need art....especially poems...

I'm preparing agents, and ofcourse, i'm working on the guppies today. I'm sad i didn't get to finish some of these things by today, but exams get priority,'s better if I don't have to study in the vacation...

03/06/2002 Updated the C2 and C3 breedlists and made some changes to the C2 and C3 pages. And updated the Links section!
03/06/2002 Bad me!!! I forgot to put in some extra needed bd files for the females, I'm sorry, you can get them here.

02/06/2002 Go download some nice new grendelgenomes made by me I think there is something there for everyone. you can get them in one pack or seperate. Readme's and starterpairs (C3) included.

May 2002
30/05/2002 It seems I've been neglecting my C1 breedslist, there are a lot of bad links and one page that has stopped to exist and one breed that has moved. So I've cleared all that up and put the Bainshee (from the page that is gone) up for download. And thank you to Kenny (Muppet Boy) for sending me the Albian Grays ^_^
And I updated my C1 page (got rid of the ifs) and added good links to my tutorials, and did some work on those aswell, accept the gentics tutorial for C1 soon (well, a bit from me and links to other peoples pages). I will redo the C2 and C3 pages soon.
26/05/2002 There's a lot of news going round today , the magma norns can be bought as an individual download at CL.
26/05/2002 ok, I have time to check in more often :D. In any case, there's a new genome from GS and he's hosting a competition... And I've been having some fun with my microgrendel wolfing run....they keep breeding and the duracell bunny. And I made more grendel genomes as prizes for the art contest. I've been busy.
26/05/2002 EGG CENTRAL!!! It's finally here!
24/05/2002 It has been long I know...but I have a lot of schoolwork , I don't know if I'll update much in June....I need to study for my exams... I'll try to come in once a while and do some little things (updating breedslists and stuff).
17/05/2002 Launched the grendel art competition....send in lots of art! ^_^
13/05/2002 I've worked hard on Cyan's Place and it is almost finished. I'll be preparing something special for the grand opening this Weekend. Something fun for grendel-lovers . Oh yeah, I made myself and Cyan's Place a new button. I know it still doesn't look like a button
12/05/2002 I've started on Cyan's Place (Finally). For now only some adoptions and the Mortem Grendels by Grendel_Slayer. I'll be adding more on the page this week. It's about time the grendels got a bit more attention
10/05/2002 I've heared the beowulf norns got taken down because their sprites resemble a CL breed (I think it could be the treehuggers, although I don't see it). I didn't know that, now I do, so I have to take them down. Good news: The maker of the beowulf norns is making new sprites for them
05/05/2002 I've started working on one of my lost projects, namely the Hell's Angel ettins....I'm starting to think I named them wrong, and thought Dragonfly Demons would be a better name. And I added a body pose for the zion... And I gave my lone Shee a name (Faris), made her female too, so I had to update the stories
04/05/2002 Not much going on here, changed the truth or fiction message. Added a button. I'm basically busy for school, but I will try to do some creatures related things this weekend
02/05/2002 There is great progress on the Terra project. it sounds really interesting with new weather types (maybe that one could be a twister...nah, I just watched Twister this weekend). And since I can't find a place to download the Beowulfs again, I'll put them up on the C3 breeds page (I can't put them on the Mybreeds page now can I? Drauga_Drottin sais I can do that as long as I give her credit: here it is!!! They are absolutely beautiful, although rather angry)
01/05/2002 Vacation!!!! Just for the day, it's a Dutch holiday. So I updated the breedslist for C2 and C3 and metarooms list for C3.  Hope you have fun today!!

April 2002
27/04/2002 I have 31 little microgrendels by now (they are in my sister's world called Universe of little G, her screen name is Diper, mine is Trix). I've seen 2 sleep by now (both female) and had my first mutation!! Reddish was tinged red as a baby!!
27/04/2002 I thought it was gonna be easy to get the pics back...I was wrong. Sorry for any inconveniance. :)
12/04/2002 I found out you can put the micro ettins in the Trasherplant!! I was fast enough to save the little rainettin, but be carefull around those. I did get the fruits however :) 
And I put up readmes for new users on how to install a new creatures breed. You can download them seperatly on the download pages (see lower).
03/04/2002 Uploaded all the norns that Georgina send me! There were some interesting C2 ettins, lovely C2 norns and coloured C3 norns...
02/04/2002 Oops, almost forgot, it seemed the link to the download of the C3 microettins was strangely misplaced. I've fixed this, thanks to the people that notified me (Thomas Edward and Julie, or so their e-mails said...if this is wrong, I'm sorry)
02/04/2002 Sorry it took me so long, but my computer crashed and I haven't been able to update since...
What's new? I didn't know, but Don the Amber-shee has uploaded his worlds for C2. Nina from Iggdrasil has got a brand new flash design! It looks so good! Aquashee from Albian Oceans is working on a brand new underwater world for C2. And I'm working on several projects this easter vacation.
Speaking of: Happy Easter!