Quick Stats:

Regular Sands: 4 open
Nekrat Bay: 4 open
Shadow Cavern: 3 open
Festival: Virgin Snow (Jan 5th)



15/02/2008 The Winter Clutch hatched (sorry for the long wait). Also, the Valentine Clutch is on the sands waiting for candidates ^^
20/11/2007 The Halloween clutch hatched and thus a new clutch has taken the festival sands. This year's Winter clutch uses the theme: "Virgin Snow".
05/10/2007 Hatched Obo's Clutch and the Nekrat Clutch. Dusky Green Darainth has taken the sands and Sand Foertun has clutched in the bay.
17/09/2007 Hatched the Summer Raptor Clutch and opened up the Halloween Clutch.
And Lucas was very busy today as he also turned in the records for the missing Winter 2006, Valentine 2007 and Easter 2007 hatchings ^^
18/08/2007 Made myself that intro image ^^. I'm also moving my candidates from the sphosting site (because they too now can't be used with frames), but I'll have moving pages in place and mail whoever is involved.
17/08/2007 The shadow clutch hatched today. There's a new (wild) clutch on the beach and I've filled the mating zone with three of my females. Two need to be updated so they aren't linked yet. Other females are still welcome to apply. Same for nekrats.
09/08/2007 Forgot that netfirms is evil when frames are involved. So I transferred Lantessama to our families webspace. Apparently it isn't full yet, yay! I'll keep this page up though, maybe make it an entry page or something which links to the add-free pages.
08/08/2007 New layout online. Just a few more kinks to sort out.

Started building the new layout. It's a return to Lantessama's original blue colours, only prettier. I hope putting some work in the site and dragoning will get this site some action again.



Regular Dragons Hatched: 158
Holiday Dragons Hatched: 539
Shadow Dragons Hatched: 38
Flower Dragons Hatched: 61
Nekrats Hatched: 28

All images, persona and stories on this site belong to Trix. Lantessama and the world it's founded upon (Syl'Neriss) are my own creations and are not related to any other fantasy worlds out there.