GraphingCalculator 4; Window 65 46 720 1352; PaneDivider 389; FontSizes 16; BackgroundType 0; BackgroundColor 5 0 20; StackPanes 1; Slider 2 100; SliderSteps 98; SliderControlValue 98; T -3.141592653589793 3.141592653589793; U -3.141592653589793 3.141592653589793; V -0 3.141592653589793; 4D.X -8 8; 4D.Y -8 8; 4D.Z -8 8; 4D.W -8 8; 4D.Show4DxyPlane 0; 4D.Show4Daxes 0; 4D.Depth 1.1930909743; 4D.View -0.7757304764114882 0.5529443296781996 0.1896641767934668 -0.2377441824300988 0.4117052807155325 0.8054371024697771 -0.17956618321484 0.3866856884338304 0.1322823339806737 -0.005296190105240481 0.9422182939507781 0.3077304356604434 0.4596111116031411 0.2132969587403302 0.2097812489994468 -0.8362140043363665; 4D.Speed1 0.2759055128302437; 4D.Speed2 0.2759055129622788; 4D.Axis1 0.8743522489010747 -0.2638932166978592 0.4072695851920321; 4D.Axis2 0.885555752597724 0.2399696043091234 0.397750673222311; Text "COMPLEX FUNCTIONS u+iv = w(x+iy) = w(z) by Guido 'wugi' Wuyts (Google wugi + qbcomplex)"; Color 5; MathPaneSlider 99; Expr m=slider([-pi,pi+0.1]); Color 7; MathPaneSlider 200; Expr l=slider([0,pi+0.1]); MathPaneSlider 200; Expr 'mred'=slider([-pi,pi]); Color 2; MathPaneSlider 200; Expr 'lred'=slider([-pi,pi]); Color 3; MathPaneSlider 200; Expr 'mblu'=slider([-pi,pi]); Color 4; MathPaneSlider 200; Expr 'lblu'=slider([-pi-0.1,pi+0.1]); Text " COMPLEX COSINE w = cos z z unit plane in green, w unit plane in magenta. With parameter curves in blue and red. With characteristic curves in yellow: showing real curves ""cos"" and ""sinh"" and 'cosh"" to be part of the same complex surface in different orientations. Notice periodicity 2pi along x; -pi thru pi rendered here. Try sliders m and l for surface rendering; mred thru lblu for parameter curve rendering."; Color 7; Expr vector(x,y,u,v)=vector(u,v,real(cos([u+i*v])),imag(cos([u+i*v]))),leq(0,v,l),leq(u,m); Text ""; Color 6; Grain 1; Expr vector(x,y,u,v)=vector(u,-v,real(cos([u-(i*v)])),imag(cos([u-(i*v)]))),0