GraphingCalculator 4; Window 65 46 720 1352; PaneDivider 389; FontSizes 16; BackgroundType 0; StackPanes 1; SliderControlValue 1; T -5 5; U 0.02 1.5; V -5 5; 4D.Show4DxyPlane 0; 4D.Show4Daxes 0; 4D.Depth 1.7330909743; 4D.View 0.4633452034148063 0.5674694483596293 -0.1520917400005836 0.663443856162893 -0.7162612452092089 0.6528938831020171 0.2463663879154815 -0.001734625613392195 0.3195635885293129 -0.006970191600626271 0.947539196718091 -1.430515731132969e-012 -0.412504744182508 -0.501656674449074 0.1354295987366689 0.7482240578860077; 4D.Speed1 0.1601219497242499; 4D.Speed2 0.1601219497242499; 4D.Axis1 0 0 1; 4D.Axis2 0 0 1; Text "COMPLEX FUNCTIONS u+iv = w(x+iy) = w(z) by Guido 'wugi' Wuyts (Google wugi + qbcomplex)"; Color 7; MathPaneSlider 127; Expr m=slider([0.02,pi/2]); Color 8; MathPaneSlider 94; Expr l=slider([-5,5]); Color 2; MathPaneSlider 200; Expr 'mred'=slider([0.02,pi/2]); Color 3; MathPaneSlider 200; Expr 'lred'=slider([-5,5]); Color 4; Expr 'mblu'=slider([0,pi/2]); Color 7; MathPaneSlider 200; Expr 'lblu'=slider([-5,5]); Text " COMPLEX COSECANT w = cosec z z unit plane in cyan, w unit plane in magenta. With parameter curves in blue and red. With characteristic curves in yellow: showing real curves ""cosec"" and ""sech"" and 'cosech"" to be part of the same complex surface in different orientations. Notice asymptots z = 0 (""fanning"" blade) and w = 0 (""straight"" blades). Also, periodicity 2 pi along x; only a quarter period 0 - pi/2 is rendered here. Try sliders m and l for surface rendering; mred thru lblu for parameter curve rendering. (Remark: the above surface function does not cover the fanning blade entirely and properly, as the parameter curves do. I couldn't fix that.) "; Color 12; Expr vector(x,y,u,v)=vector(u,v,real(csc([u+i*v])),imag(csc([u+i*v]))),geq(u,m),leq(v,l); Text ""; Color 3; Expr vector(x,y,u,v)=vector(a,t,real(csc([a+i*t])),imag(csc([a+i*t]))),in(a,set(0.007,0.02,0.04,0.05,0.06,0.75,1,1.25,0.07000000000000001,0.08,0.12,0.14,0.16,0.2,0.25,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.1)),geq(a,'mblu'),leq(t,'lblu'); Color 2; Expr vector(x,y,u,v)=vector(t,a,real(csc([t+i*a])),imag(csc([t+i*a]))),in(a,set(-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,-0.5,-0.3,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.08,-0.06,-0.04,-0.02,5,4,3,2,1,0.5,0.3,0.2,0.15,0.1,0.08,0.06,0.04,0.02)),leq(0