GraphingCalculator 4; Window 102 127 656 1264; PaneDivider 332; FontSizes 16; BackgroundType 0; BackgroundColor 10 0 20; StackPanes 1; Slider 0 360; SliderSteps 180; SliderControlValue 32; SliderMoving 1; SliderDirection -1; U 0 6.283185307179586; V 0 6.283185307179586; 4D.X -1 1; 4D.Y -1 1; 4D.Z -1 1; 4D.W -1 1; 4D.Show4DxyPlane 0; 4D.Show4Daxes 0; 4D.Depth 1.7330909743; 4D.View -0.4402708278021727 0.5717602677306274 0.6897115425010768 0.0595800517991931 0.06255806660229928 0.2045876555405637 -0.04537377306749262 -0.9757928059898187 0.880324239008209 0.1241870225724752 0.4536953872773027 0.06137844249348647 -0.1651584714885922 -0.7847366888773123 0.5624941816785304 -0.201274201038376; Text "Probing the sphere with rotating circle by Guido 'wugi' Wuyts, 2016 "; Color 4; Expr b=2^0.5; Color 5; Expr a=n*(pi/180); Text "Rotating a circle through a sphere (x,v,u), around the u-axis. b = radius of sphere = sqrt(2) a = circle angle with x-axis"; Color 6; Expr vector(x,y,u,v)=vector(b*sin(u)*cos(v)*cos(a),0,b*cos(u),b*sin(u)*cos(v)*sin(a)); Color 7; Expr vector(x,y,u,v)=vector(b*sin(u)*cos(v),0,b*cos(u),b*sin(u)*sin(v)),v