is correct ?
A.  \(\large\boldsymbol{\text{De helft van } \frac {9} {4} \text{ is } \frac {8} {9} }\)
B.  \(\large\boldsymbol{\text{De helft van } \frac {9} {4} \text{ is } \frac {9} {2} }\)
C.  \(\large\boldsymbol{\text{De helft van } \frac {9} {4} \text{ is } \frac {9} {8} }\)
D.  \(\large\boldsymbol{\text{De helft van } \frac {3} {2} \text{ is } 3 }\)
E.  \(\large\boldsymbol{\text{De helft van } \frac {4} {26} \text{ is } \frac {2} {13} }\)

[ 1-3912 - op net sinds 3.4.10-(E)-30.10.2023 ]

Translation in   E N G L I S H

What is

correct ?
A.   \(\boldsymbol{\text{Half of } \frac {9} {4} \text{ is } \frac {8} {9} }\)
B.   \(\boldsymbol{\text{Half of } \frac {9} {4} \text{ is } \frac {9} {2} }\)
C.   \(\boldsymbol{\text{Half of } \frac {9} {4} \text{ is } \frac {9} {8} }\)
D.   \(\boldsymbol{\text{Half of } \frac {3} {2} \text{ is } 3 }\)
E.   \(\boldsymbol{\text{Half of } \frac {4} {26} \text{ is } \frac {2} {13} }\)

Oplossing - Solution

Je kan op twee manieren de helft nemen van een breuk :
→ ofwel de teller delen door 2
→ ofwel de noemer vermenigvuldigen met 2
\( \text{De helft van } \frac 94 \text{ is } \frac 98 \\ \text{De helft van } \frac 32 \text{ is } \frac 34 \\ \text{De helft van } \frac {4}{26} \text{ is } \frac {2}{26} = \frac {1}{13} \)